SWCT Chapter Calendar

UN Day in Westport

UN Day in Westport

First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker, UNA SW CT President Willard Hass, students from Staples HS and Second Selectwoman Andrea Moore at Westport Town Hall.

Join the UNA Southwestern Connecticut at Westport Town Hall at 3:30 on Tuesday, October 24th -United Nations Day.

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Member Meeting

Member Meeting

The Member Meeting will be held on January 18th via Zoom. Please contact Bill Hass if you are interested in attending at hassbj@aol.com. Or you can reach him by telephone at ‭1 (203) 454-7685‬.

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Annual Member Meeting

Annual Member Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held on December 14th at Westport Town Hall at 2:00. A slate of candidates for the Board of Directors and Officers for the Chapter will be sent several weeks in advance. Please contact Bill Hass if you are interested in serving on the Board. His email is hassbj@aol.com. Or you can reach him by telephone at ‭1 (203) 454-7685‬.

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Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohammed Visit Westport and Bridgeport

Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohammed Visit Westport and Bridgeport

When the Stars are Scattered Westport Library Visit features National Book Award Finalists Victoria Jamieson (Illustrator) and Omar Mohammed (Author) and their graphic memoir When the Stars are Scattered about Omar’s childhood in the Daadab refugee camp in Kenya. Victoria and Omar will discuss Omar’s story as a refugee and how Victoria helped tell this story visually. Guests will be able to ask questions following this discussion.

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jUNe Day

jUNe Day

jUNe day is a very special event established in 1965 by the late Ruth Steinkraus Cohen, private secretary to Eleanor Roosevelt and founder of the UNASWCT, in observance of the signing of the UN charter on June 26th, 1945. Friendly interactions between UN visitors and their Connecticut hosts embodies the UN goal of “working together for peace, freedom, and justice.” Hundreds of UN diplomats, staff, and families, from around the world, interact with local Fairfield County “citizen ambassadors” in a variety of activities, demonstrating good will and people-to-people diplomacy in its purest sense. jUNe Day guests have free access to Earthplace (nature center), Compo Beach, Longshore Park's seaside pools, tennis, golf and paddling.

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Peace Pole Installation Staples High School

Peace Pole Installation Staples High School

The UNA of Southwestern Connecticut was proud to support Michael Pontoriero, a student at Staples High School, in his initiative to bring a Peace Pole to Staples High School. Other sponsors included Westport Rotary, Rotary E-Club of World Peace and Sunrise Rotary. In attendance at the installation were Staples HS Principal Stafford Thomas, First Selectwoman Jen Tooker, Second Selectwoman Andrea Chase, Chief of Police Foti Koskinas, Dan Woog, and Dennis Wong (representing UNA SW CT, Westport Sunrise Rotary and Rotary E-Club of World Peace) and Goldie James (representing both UNA and Westport Rotary). Click here for more information about the Peace Pole Project.

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Our Refugee Story: Finding Safety

Our Refugee Story: Finding Safety

UNA SW CT and 3 Birds Productions at The Norwalk Arts Space met to tell refugee stories. It was a fascinating evening when strangers learned about each other. Delicious treats were had at the Cafe. Our Woven Community set up a table and sold goods hand-made by refugee women in Bridgeport.

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Earth Day at Lachat Farms

Earth Day at Lachat Farms

United Nations Association of Southwestern Connecticut hosted several tables of activities and useful information at Lachat Town Farm in cooperation with the Weston Middle School Model UN.

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Women’s Day

Women’s Day

On Women’s Day, The United Nations Association Southwest Chapter will be co-hosting Martine Dherte, Refugee Services Program Manager of Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants; Therese LeFever, Program Manager of Burroughs Community Center; and Andrea Mucino-Sanchez, Associate Public Information & Communications Officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to address, educate and share what happens in the refugee process in Connecticut, specifically how it affects women. In the next few months, close to 300 Afghan refugees will be resettled in Connecticut. This program will give ways to help the refugees arriving.

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